Turizm Kulübü Etkinliği


2025 Yaz Dönemi Zorunlu Staj İlanları

TURAK: Turizm Eğitimi Değerlendirme ve Akreditasyon Kurulu Ziyareti

Our department had the TURAK Accreditation visits (virtual / physical) between 27-30 September 2024. For the occasion, we also had a special luncheon in our Le Piment Rouge Restaurant. Thank you all who contributed to this important process.



THM Bölümü Haziran 2023 mezunlarımızdan Mete Akarırmak, 2024 Hilton EMEA Graduate Development Programme kapsamı’nda Türkiyeden kabul alanlardan biri oldu. Eylül’de Riyad’da programa başlıyor.

Kendisini tebrik ediyor, başarılar diliyoruz.




Geçen sene Türkiye’de ilki gerçekleşen, dünyanın en prestijli gastronomi rehberi @michelinguide için bu sene 3 farklı lokasyondan seçimler yapıldı. İstanbul, İzmir ve Bodrum’un Michelin yıldızlı restoranları, tavsiye listesi, Bib Gourmand ve özel yıldız kazanan şeflerin hepsini ilk öğrenen olmak için profildeki linke tıklayın:
İSTANBUL’UN MICHELIN YILDIZLI RESTORANLARI 2 Michelin yıldızı ile TURK Fatih Tutak, @turkfatihtutak Neolokal @neolokal
Arkestra @arkestra.ist
Sankai by Nagaya @sankaibynagaya
Mikla Restaurant @mikla restaurant
Araka @araka.istanbul
Nicole Restaurant @nicolerestaurant
Vino Locale @urlavinolocale
Od Urla @odurla
Teruar Urla @teruarurla
Maçakızı @macakizihotel
Kitchen Bodrum @kitchenbodrum
Neolokal @neolokal
Circle by Vertical @verticalistanbul
Hiç Urla @hicurla
OD Urla @odurla
THM’05 Mezunumuz şef & OD Urla’nın sahibi Osman Sezener. 2024 Michelin yıldızlı restorantlar listesinde İzmir ve Bodrum’dan yer almıştır. Kendisini ve ekibini tebrik ediyoruz.

Career@Hilton etkinliğimizi üniversitemizin Kariyer Merkezi ortaklığı ile tamamladık.

Ankara Hilton Otel’den etkinliğimize katılan ;
İnsan Kaynakları Direktörü Fatih Tay,
Diplomatik İlişkiler Satış Müdürü THM’19 Mezunumuz Oğuzhan Alkan ,
Eğitim ve Gelişim Müdür Yrd. Önder Teksoy,
Kat Hizmetleri Ofis Koordinatörü THM’18 mezunumuz Batuhan Ünsal’a ve öğrencilerimize /mezunlarımıza teşekkür ederiz.

You are all invited Careers@Hilton seminar organized by the Career and Alumni Office.



TED Ankara Koleji Ganstronomi Kulübü Ziyareti 28 Nisan 20023 Cuma Günü Okulumuzu Ziyareti

Ted Ankara kolejigastronomi kulübü öğrencileri 28 Nisan 2023 Cuma okulumuzu ziyaret ederek, Uygulamalı Bilimler Fakültesi Turizm ve Otel işletmeciliği Bölümü Uygulama mutfağı ve Restoranımızda hocalarımız ile atölye çalışması yaptılar.

TED Ankara Koleji 11. Sınıf Öğrencileri 10 Nisan 20023 Pazartesi Günü Okulumuzu Ziyaret Etti

Ted Ankara koleji 11. Sınıf Öğrencileri 10 Nisan 2023 Pazartesi günü Uygulamalı Bilimler Fakültesi Turizm ve Otel işletmeciliği Bölümü Uygulama Mutfağı ve Restoranında hocalarımızla atölye çalışması yaptılar.

THM Online Career & Internship Event

Time: Mar 20, 2023 07:00 PM Istanbul

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 993 5326 1337

THM Online Career & Internship Event

Time: Mar 17, 2023 07:00 PM Istanbul

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 965 5499 985

THM Online Career & Internship Event

Time: Mar 22, 2023 07:00 PM Istanbul

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 979 7838 0256

THM Online Career & Internship Event

Time: Mar 16, 2023 07:00 PM Istanbul

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 915 3114 1972

THM Online Career & Internship Event

Time: Mar 13, 2023 07:00 PM Istanbul


Meeting ID: 423 626 8254
Passcode: A7C6B5

THM Online Career & Internship Event

Bodrum Susona ( Hilton) Otel on 8 March 2023 at 19:00. You can talk to the executives about recruitment & internship opportunities.

Zoom :
Bilkent Meeting Room 168 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Time: Mar 8, 2023 07:00 PM Istanbul

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 935 1676 5044

THM Online Career & Internship Event

The Bodrum Edition Otel on 6 March 2023 at 19:00. You can talk to the executives about recruitment & internship opportunities.

Bilkent Meeting Room 168 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Time: Mar 6, 2023 07:00 PM Istanbul

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 423 626 8254
Passcode: A7C6B5

Mexican chef Laura Cabrera lectures a master class at Bilkent University

On October 20, Mexican chef Laura Cabrera visited the Department of Tourism and Hotel Management at Bilkent University to offer the master class “The basis of Mexican food: nixtamalization” to Bilkent students and members of the Gastronomy Club.This was part of a set of activities that chef Cabrera realized during her stay in Ankara. 

Laura Cabrera is an experienced and passionate chef born in the Mexican Caribbean with experience in various restaurant and company settings, striving to serve thebest food possible using local ingredients. After spending some time at Noma, Laura worked in different restaurants and projects in Mérida, Yucatán, before moving to Copenhagen, Denmark where she has been the head chef of Mexican restaurants Sanchez and Hija de Sanchez for the last seven years. 


The master class “The basis of Mexican food: nixtamalization”, was aimed to share with the Turkish public the process of nixtamalization, one of the greatest discoveries for Mexican gastronomy. During this process the grain’s coating is eliminated, making it less fibrous and creating a more elastic dough, which allows for the preparation of tortillas. Nixtamalization, allowed the Mesoamerican population to depend on corn without nutritional problems. The master class also included a practical demonstration of the process along with the elaboration of tortillas. 


This activity has been organized with the support of the Embassy of Mexico in Türkiye and the Department of Tourism and Hotel Management from Bilkent University. Both entities agreed to continue working to strengthen their collaboration to offer new opportunities and experiences to the students. 

GE 100 Orientation Welcome to 2022 – 2023 Academic Life

Aramıza Hoş Geldiniz.

2022-2023 Akademik Yılı’nda aramıza yeni katılan öğrencilerimizle , Fakülte Dekan Yardımcımız Doç. Dr. Ayşe Collins, THM Bölümü Başkanımız Senior Lecturer Jamel Ben Chafra, bölüm hocalarımız ve idari kadromuz ile beraber GE 100 “Üniversite Hayatına Giriş” dersi kapsamında oryantasyonumuzu gerçekleştirdik.

Press Release: Horizon Europe Grant Goes to Tourism and Hotel Management Department 

Bilkent University, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Tourism and Hotel Management received a grant of 3.1 million Euros under the Research, Innovation, and Action projects within the Horizon Europe Programme. The project will be carried out under the coordination of Bilkent University by Prof. Dr. H. Altay Güvenir, Asst. Prof. Eda Gürel and Instructors Arzu Sibel İkinci, Oğuz Benice and Neşe Şahin Özçelik. Asst. Prof. Eda Gürel will be the coordinator of the CULTURATI project, which aims to develop an inclusive cultural ecosystem with visitor and capacity management by using digital solutions and cutting-edge technologies.

Along with the tourism industry, cultural and creative industries (CCIs) are most affected by the pandemic. All CCIs need systems or management tools to make them more resilient today. Thus, CULTURATI aims to;

  • enhance and support collaboration between CCIs, and citizens to promote Europe’s culture, values, and interests,
  • increase accessibility, awareness, and understanding of cultural heritage and arts,
  • preserve cultural heritage by preventing deterioration due to overcrowding and sustain valuable resources,
  • enhance the audience experience through customized games, and routes by optimizing the number of people on the venue or site-based CCIs, ensuring social distancing between them in case of a pandemic.

CULTURATI is a global content platform that enables CCIs, creative professionals, and citizens to create content collectively for cultural heritage and arts across Europe. Consequently, CULTURATI curates content in its database and delivers customized information with the help of its algorithm. Therefore, the principal objective of the CULTURATI project is to design, develop, evaluate and validate mainstream technologies for its ecosystem utilizing the Internet of Things, cloud and mobile technologies, sensors (people counters), and Artificial Intelligence. Our user-centered design methodology situates user needs at the center by actively involving them in five pilot sites across Europe to validate CULTURATI, as well as increase engagement with broader audiences. Accordingly, our interdisciplinary consortium involves computer scientists, CCIs, academia from various disciplines, including social sciences, SMEs, public authorities, and non-profit community initiatives to focus on engaging citizens, and ensuring widespread communication and exploitation of CULTURATI in Europe and internationally.

The following universities, SMEs, public and non-governmental organizations are included in the consortium established to carry out the project across Europe, under the coordination of Bilkent University. The project has 14 partners;

  1. Bilkent University (Coordinator), Turkey
  2. Haaga-Helia University, Finland
  3. Rauman Kaupunki, Finland (UNESCO World Heritage Site)
  4. Touch TD, UK
  5. Oxford Brookes University, UK
  6. Rahmi M. Koç Museums, Turkey
  7. Serdar Vural Öktem, Turkey
  8. Universita Degli Studi Di Foggia, Italy
  9. IOTIQ, Germany
  10. NUMBEO Estrategia e Innovacion, S.L., Spain
  11. Universidad Carlos III De Madrid, Spain
  12. Ankara Governorship, Turkey
  13. Meridaunia Soc. Cons. Arl, Italy
  14. Blenheim Palace Heritage Foundation, UK (UNESCO World Heritage Site)

THM Online Career Event: Swissôtel Resort Bodrum Beach

Online meeting organized with Swissôtel Resort Bodrum Beach for an internship or recruitment  on 29 March 2022 at 19:00 on Zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 986 3011 7927

The seminar will be in English and it is open to the THM graduates and students.

THM Online Career Event: Susona Bodrum LXR Hotels & Resorts

Online meeting organized with The Bodrum Edition Hotel. If you are looking for an internship or recruitment you can meet with the executives on Zoom on 7 March 2022 at 19:00.

The meeting will be both in English and Turkish, and you can join with the link below to join the meeting:

https://zoom.us/j/99455641170 Meeting ID: 994 5564 1170

The seminar will be in English and it is open to the THM graduates and students.

THM Online Seminar: Allium Bodrum Resort & Spa

Online meeting organized with The Bodrum Edition Hotel. If you are looking for an internship or recruitment you can meet with the executives on Zoom on 7 March 2022 at 19:00.

The meeting will be both in English and Turkish, and you can join with the link below to join the meeting:

https://zoom.us/j/92688119318 Meeting ID: 926 8811 9318

The seminar will be in English and it is open to the THM graduates and students.


THM Online Career Event: The Bodrum Edition Hotel 

Online meeting organized with The Bodrum Edition Hotel. If you are looking for an internship or recruitment you can meet with the executives on Zoom on 7 March 2022 at 19:00.

The meeting will be both in English and Turkish, and you can join with the link below to join the meeting:

https://zoom.us/j/92907754600 Meeting ID: 929 0775 4600

The seminar will be in English and it is open to the THM graduates and students.

THM Online Career Event: Radisson Collection Bodrum

The Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, a member of The Alliance by Institut Paul Bocuse, cordially invites you to the online meeting organized with Radisson Collection Bodrum. If you are looking for an internship or recruitment, you can meet with the executives online on Zoom on 22 February 2022 at 19:00.

The meeting will be both in English and Turkish, and you can join with the link below to join the meeting:

Meeting ID: 934 7410 1054 

The seminar will be in English and it is open to the THM graduates and students of the Bilkent University. 

Türkiye Turizm Zirvesi: 24-26 Mart, Antalya

Türkiye Turizm Zirvesi, T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Himayelerinde düzenlenen 4. Dünya Sağlık, Spor ve Alternatif Turizm Kongresi ve Fuarı (HESTOUREX) kapsamında, “Daha iyi bir dünya için turizm” temasıyla, Turizm Akademisyenleri Derneği (TUADER) ve Profesyonel Otel Yöneticileri Derneği (POYD) iş birliğinde kamu kurum ve kuruluşları, turizm meslek örgütleri, sivil toplum kuruluşları, turizm işletmeleri ve üniversitelerin katılımıyla 24-26 Mart 2022 tarihlerinde Antalya’da düzenlenecektir. Türkiye Turizm Zirvesi, kamu kurumları, sektör ve akademiden kilit aktörler ile uzmanların bir araya gelmelerini ve güçlü iş birliklerini sağlayarak, turizm sektöründe ortak akıl ile politika ve stratejileri geliştirmek üzere planlanmıştır. Türkiye Turizm Zirvesi’nde, turizm sektöründeki yenilikler, engeller ve güncel gelişmeler doğrultusunda fikir alışverişi sağlanacak ve farklı bakış açıları ile değerlendirmeler gerçekleştirilecektir.

Zirveyle ilgili detaylı bilgiye  https://turizmzirvesi.org/ sayfasından ulaşılabilir. 

Zirve çerçevesinde gerçekleşecek akademik kongre MTCON ’22 bildiri kabulü ve değerlendirmesi için bilgiler aşağıda yer almaktadır.

İlgilenen akademisyenlerin, öğrencilerin ve / veya profesyonellerin bildirilerini aşağıda belirtilen tarihten önce http://mtcon.org web adresinden bilim kurulu üyelerimiz tarafından değerlendirilmek üzere göndermeleri beklenmektedir. Bildiriler, İngilizce ve Türkçe dillerinde kabul edilecektir. Bildiri kabulü; özet veya tam metin şeklinde gerçekleştirilecektir. Tüm bildiriler çift kör hakem inceleme süreci ile değerlendirilecektir. Özet veya tam metin gönderme son tarihi, 28 Şubat 2022‘dir. Ayrıntılı bilgi için lütfen http://www.mtcon.org web sayfamızı ziyaret edebilir ve sorularınız için info@mtcon.org e-postamız ile bizimle her zaman iletişime geçebilirsiniz.

 Bilkent Üniversitesi, Turizm ve Otel İşletmeciliği Bölümü, Türkiye Turizm Zirvesi Paydaşıdır. 

ALLiance by Institut Paul Bocuse Holiday Cocktail Demonstration On Monday  the 20th of December at 5 PM Paris Time, Darryl Haus, Maître d’ Bloom Restaurant at Conestoga College, will host the last webinar of the year 2021. This Cocktail Demonstration will be held in English, presenting 3 different recipes: The Wintergreen Fizz, the Wax Washed Honey Old Fashion & Cinnamon dram, and the Clarified Rum Punch.

Do not miss this last opportunity of the year to share and learn! Make sure to invite faculty members and your students.

Here is the link to the event via  zoom: https://zoom.us/j/97897124484

THM Online Career Event: The Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, a member of The Alliance by Institut Paul Bocuse, cordially invites you to the online meeting organized in collaboration with the Four Seasons Hotel Doha, Qatar. If you are looking for recrutiment or internship, you can meet with the executives online on Zoom on 20 December 2021 at 20:00 (GMT+3).

You can join the meeting with the link below: 


Meeting ID: 994 6857 0493

The meeting will be in English and it is open to the THM graduates and students of the Bilkent University.    

THM Online Career Event: The Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, a member of The Alliance by Institut Paul Bocuse, cordially invites you to the online meeting organized in collaboration with Hospitality & Beyond LTD, a hospitality consultancy firm located in London, UK owned by THM graduates. Due to Brexit, there is over 1.000.000 shortage of qualified staff in the hospitality industry in the UK. If you are looking for an internship and work/travel, you can meet with the executives online on Zoom on 16 December 2021 at 20:00 (GMT+3).

You can join the meeting with the link below: 


Meeting ID: 942 2101 1150

The meeting will be both in English and Turkish and it is open to the THM graduates and students of the Bilkent University.    

10. Bilkent Tourism Forum. Organized online on Zoom on 9 December 2021. Please visit  http://thm.bilkent.edu.tr/forum/for the program and to register.

The event is open to the public, THM graduates and students of the members of the Alliance by Institut Paul Bocuse in 20 different countries.


THM Online Career Event: The Department of Tourism and Hotel Management a member of The Alliance by Institut Paul Bocuse, cordially invite you to the online meeting organized in collaboration with the Indigo Group of Companies which has businesses in the tourism industry in Turkey such as the Museum Hotel in Cappadocia. If you are looking for recruitment or internship, you can meet with the executives online on the Zoom on 4 November 2021 at 20:00 (GMT+3).

The meeting will be both in English and Turkish, and you can register here:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

The meeting will be in English and it is open to the THM graduates and students of the Bilkent University.  


THM Special Culinary Event – Latin American Buffet for the Bicentennial at Le Piment Rouge: Bilkent University, Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, organized in collaboration with the Embassies of Brazil, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama and Peru, celebrates the 200th Anniversary of their Independence with a special event at Le Piment Rouge, 21 October 2021. 



THM Online Event – Turkish Food Demonstration: Bilkent University Bilkent University Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, member of the Alliance by Institut Paul Bocuse, organized on online Turkish Food Demonstration in collaboration with the Hong Kong Turkish Consulate General and the University of Hong Kong Polytechnic on 11 October 2021 at 10:30 (Turkey time), 15:30 (Hong Kong time). 

The Program:

3:30: Introduction by The Consul General of Turkey, Mr Peyami Kalyoncu

3:45: Greeting from Chef Elif Denizci and Mr Ali Unal, the Bilkent
Univeristy, Turkey

3:50 – 4:10: Food Demonstration on Düğün Çorbası (Appertizer)
Traditional Soup and “Düğün” means Wedding

4:10 – 4:30 Food Demonstration on Şekerpare (Dessert) Traditional Sweet
Pastry with Syrup

4:30 – 4:45 Q&A with Chef Elif Denizci and Mr Ali Unal

5:00 – 6:00 Food Demonstration by The Turkish Chef at the Western Food
Lab Perde Pilavı (Rice Pilaf Pie with Chicken and Almonds)

The zoom link for the class is as follows:

Topic: HTM1C06 – Understanding Turkish Food Culture with Food

Time: Oct 11, 2021 15:30 PM (HK Time)

Join Zoom Meeting


THM Special Event – Guatemalan Cuisine Master Class: Bilkent University Department of Tourism and Hotel Management feat. The Alliance by Institut Paul Bocuse, organized in collaboration with the Embassy of Guatemala in Ankara, cordially invites you to the following live Master Class By Euda Morales on Guatemalan Cuisine on 7 October 2021 at 11:00 in RC101 Demo Kitchen.

The event will be in English and it is open to the Bilkent University community, including students and  graduates of THM.


THM Online Get Together: We miss you all! Lets get together online on 19 August 2021 at 20:00 on Zoom. The event is for the students and graduates of THM and open to university candidates. Please join by using the link on instagram.com/bilkentunivthm   

THM Online Career Event. Looking for recruitment or internship? Career Event organized by Bilkent University Department of Tourism and Hotel Management in collaboration with the Double Tree by Hilton Dubai located in the United Arab Emirates on  15 April 2021 @18:00 (GMT+3). To join our meeting with the executives, please register at


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

The meeting will be in English and it is open to the THM graduates and students of the Bilkent University.  

THM Culinary Workshop – The Joy of Making Thai Food. On April 6 and 7, in anticipation of Songkran, the Thai New Year, the Embassy of Thailand in Ankara organized a special workshop at the Le Piment Rouge, the Department of Tourism and Hotel Management’s practice restaurant. Minister-Counsellor Charkrienorrathip Sevikul and his wife attended the event.

The workshop provided students taking the Food Production 1 and 2 courses an opportunity to learn the basics of Thai cuisine by preparing popular Thai dishes such as tom yum goong (lemongrass and shrimp soup) and pad thai, along with Thai desserts, under expert instruction. For the occasion, a new recipe – Foi Thong Delight (golden egg yolk threads served with pistachios) – that combined elements of a Thai dessert with Turkish ingredients was created and made for the first time.

THM Online Talk. Bilkent University Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, member of the Alliance by Institut Paul Bocuse, cordially invite you to the online talk titled “Tarladan Sofraya Bir Restoran Hikayesi – Ön ve Arka Yüzü” on 1 April 2021 at 6 pm by Osman Sezener, 2005 Graduate of THM, Entrepreneur, Owner and Founder of OD Urla Restaurant. He is one of those 19 Chefs assigned by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to promote the Turkish Cuisine around the world.

The talk will be in Turkish, and you can register here:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the seminar.

Bio: Osman Sezener

Osman Sezener was born in 1982 to a family and their restaurants that they operate with joy in Izmir. After graduating from İzmir American High School, he therefore took an interest in the food and beverage industry and decided to follow his family. He started his education in Bilkent Tourism and Hotel Management and completed his education in New York French Culinary right after.

With the help of his half German and half Crete roots, he has stepped into the belief that this sector be able to collate what they gave him. In his words, “thanks to his family the wonderful foods that he ate 4 meals on crowded tables” became the determining factor in the creation process.

He worked in important cuisines in US, Italy and Istanbul after his education in order to reinforce his education life with experience. Again, since he was a child, he met with street food on the domestic and international trips, and the meals he ate in good restaurants played a big role in the development of his palate and mind. Being aware that education is not only at school; he has discovered the materials of the land he lives, the recipes of the people with the story and the treasures of the geographies with different textures as his principle for this food adventure he wants to progress.

At that time, Sezener returned to İzmir from his working experience in different countries, and started to work on expanding his family’s Ristorante Pizzeria Venedik with new brands; Venedik Catering and created Venedik Pizza Express. The innovations he plans to make for the family profession have also started to show itself in this way.

Osman Sezener set out to realize what he had dreamed of since his childhood in his determined route, creating a restaurant where he cooked the material from the soil and sea of the region where he grew, in a wood fire, in the most natural way. Based on this philosophy, OD Urla opened its doors to bring visitors with a different experience in the last months of 2018 by positioning Sezener’s family olive grove in Urla. OD continues parallel to the never-ending energy of Osman Sezener and renews its menu every month according to the seasonal bring. For Sezener, who believes that everything can disappear unless he leaves himself to change and forces him to develop, OD aims to offer its guests always the new one. The fact that a good restaurant from the Aegean Region comes to the world stage and makes the most creative use of the unique products of its geography while doing it among the ones Osman Sezener and his team have always worked on for OD.

THM Culinary Workshop – Peruvian Cuisine. In collaboration with the Embassy of Peru in Ankara, the workshop celebrates Peruvian cuisine and culture. THM students will prepare a selection of traditional Peruvian dishes under the supervision of Le Piment Rouge chef Elif Denizci, department instructor and chef Bülent Karaoğlu and service instructor Ali Ünal, joined for the occasion by the Peruvian chef Jean Carlo Milla, executive chef at the embassy on 23-24 March 2021.

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